jueves, 5 de julio de 2012


In Venezuela, most families are traditional ...

My family is traditional, my parents are engineers and both work and my sister and I studied.

Most of the family in general are women are married and the rest are men and working with the family in business. The family gradually grow more.

I love share with my family, they are sociable and funny.
I love my family.

Robbery at the Bank

"Robbery millonaire in two ATM machines in the mall Doral Center"

The incident occurred at 1.00 am on Wednesday, and was not reported to the regional police autorities.

A command group of offenders comprised of six armed men robbed two ATM machines located on the second level of the Doral Center Mall in Maracaibo.

On the site, criminals realized that beside cash dispensers had an open food place since three masons executed remodeling activities. 

At the event, the thugs subdued the workers and who were six guards on duty that night at the premises of the mall. The nine handcuffed with tape, put them on the premises and took away their phones.

During the robbery, which lasted at least four hours, crooks food and drink offered to victims, to whom he repeated: "Relax the mob would be reached."

After the robbery, troops from the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations (CICPC) rushed to the scene and collected the necessary information for research.

My opinion is :

I doubt they recover the lost. 
Should have more security at the mall.
I bet that they catch the robbers.


Once upon a time, going shopping with my mom when we were victims of a crime in the city.